• office@redi-ngo.eu

Waste Management Workshop - Call for Participants

Operating Countries: 

Reference: Waste Management Worshop

Deadline: 20 Jul 2022
Workshop: 25-29 Jul 2022

GDPR Compliance - As part of any recruitment process, REDI NGO collects and processes personal data relating to job applicants. The organisation is committed to being transparent about how it collects and uses that data and to meeting its data protection obligations. Data we collect: your name, address and contact details, including email address and telephone number; details of your qualifications, skills, experience and employment history. Your data will be deleted after six months.

The Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative (REDI), in partnership with the Austrian organization Umweltdachverband, is organizing a Waste Management Workshop within the project “Roma and COVID-19: Build Back Better through Sustainable Waste Management”, funded by the Federal Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer of the Republic of Austria.

The workshop aims to increase the knowledge of Roma people coming from vulnerable backgrounds on the treatment of different types of waste and promote the concept of environmental justice. The following three waste streams will be in its main focus:

  1. E-waste
  2. Biowaste
  3. Non-hazardous waste (paper and plastic)

Apart from gaining general knowledge on these topics, the participants will also have the opportunity to develop a related green business idea, with the help of experts from Austria and Belgium and various local experts working in the field of waste management.

The overall aim of the project is to improve the socio-economic situation of the Roma communities in North Macedonia, by strengthening their capacities in waste collection, repair, reuse and upcycling. Informal waste collectors have been working in the field for decades without official recognition, which is why this project strives to establish a primary waste separation system which will formalize their work and thus improve their working conditions and income opportunities. 

Deadline and eligibility

Contracting Authority

REDI – Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative

Deadline for submission of applications:


20 July 2022

Duration of the workshop:

25-29 July 2022

Target countries:

North Macedonia

Working language of the workshop:

Macedonian, Romani and English (interpretation provided)

Eligible candidates:

Marginalized people from the Roma community:

●      Age: 18-50

●      Roma people that already have some experience in repairing and upcycling waste;

●      Young Roma in NEET (neither in employment nor education or training);

●      Young Roma women – particularly encouraged to apply;

Candidates must be available for the entire duration of the training.


How to apply

Deadline: July 20, 2022

If you have the required skills and meet the criteria, please send your CV to recycling@redi-ngo.eu with the subject “Waste Management Workshop

Who we are

The Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative (REDI) is a regional non-governmental organization covering Eastern Europe and the Balkans and currently operating in Bulgaria,  Romania, Serbia, and North Macedonia. REDI provides Roma entrepreneurs with support in their business development and access to affordable funding from microcredit institutions and banks. REDI’s mission is to sustain and create +20,000 jobs in the Roma communities by 2023 by helping existing entrepreneurs receive business development services and funding to accelerate their business growth and provide jobs within the Roma communities.

Deadline: July 20, 2022

If you have the required skills and meet the criteria, please send your CV to redimk@redi-ngo.eu, with the subject “Waste Management Workshop”.