On February 24 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine. The lives of tens of millions of people have changed overnight. As the fog of war is expanding in all directions inside its borders, desperate people are trying to find refuge from shelling and bullets. Most of the refugees are moving in Romania, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.
REDI NGO, in cooperation with ARESEL, OSF-RIO, and REF Romania has been active on the field since day one of the war, sending staff and supporting other organizations active at the Romanian – Ukrainian border. The situation is dire and emergency assistance is critical.
In order to further mobilize the humanitarian response we’re offering to the refugees, we’ve launched a campaign to enable other people and companies to contribute to the needs.
Your voluntary donations will assist with:
- Supplying the basic hygiene products for the refugees
- Emergency Accommodation
- Transport from
- Hot and cold meals for those taken into our care
- Toys
- Linen and bed materials
Donate via PayPal or wire transfer:
Wire transfer at REDI NGO bank accounts opened at
Banca Transilvania, Bucharest branch:
→ RO10BTRLRONCRT0419488102 (RON)
→ RO03BTRLEURCRT0419488104 (EUR)
→ RO34BTRLUSDCRT0419488103 (USD)
North Macedonia: 200003281512029 (MKD)
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