• office@redi-ngo.eu
Contact Info
Ciprian Bogdan
BA - University of Social Work and Psychology
Post University Study of Management -
MBA - Private Law, University 1 Decembrie, Alba Iulia (2011)

Ciprian Bogdan joined REDI in 2015 and worked until 2018 on a pilot project developed by the REDI organization. He was working mainly with Roma entrepreneurs as a facilitator in the field. He also helped the Roma entrepreneurs to coagulate their forces around the Roma Business Club in Romania. He joins back on the team in 2021 as a REDI consultant in order to help the Roma entrepreneurs to develop/grow their operations capacity.

Since 2004 is leading an NGO – Asociatia Casa Nadejdei- which has the purpose to improve and develop the Roma conditions in Romania on the education and socio-economic level. Since 2013 he is managing a daycare center school for Roma children which has the purpose to prevent school dropout and help the Roma children to cope with their school requirements as most of their parents/tutors are illiterate.
Since 2020 he is a City Councilman in Aiud Municipality working on the commission of budget and foreign relations.