• office@redi-ngo.eu
Contact Info
Petrica Dulgheru
Ch. of the Board for REDI NGO and REDI Fund
MBA - Central European University. Field Of Study Business Administration and Management 2020 – 2022
Aspen Young Leaders 2012 - Aspen Institute Romania. Field Of Study Organizational Leadership
PhD - University College Dublin. Field Of Study Heterogeneous Catalysis | Automotive Emission Control Systems 2007 – 2011

Petrica Dulgheru is a founding member of REDI, a network of non-profit organizations and for-profit aggregator companies that work to promote social inclusion and combat discrimination. As a chemist with a background in academia and a wealth of experience in both the private and non-profit sectors, Petrica has a proven track record of success in launching and managing social enterprise startups that support marginalized individuals in finding employment.

He holds a B.Sc. from the University of Bucharest, a Ph.D. from University College Dublin, and is currently completing his MBA in Vienna. In addition to his professional pursuits, Petrica serves on the board of the Open Society Foundations program and the Romanian Diversity Chamber of Commerce, and is an ASPEN fellow.

He is a frequent speaker at EU events on social inclusion and antidiscrimination. Petrica lives in Brussels with his wife and three daughters, Carolina, Sara, and Isabela