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You can read the post event Press Release bellow or you can download it here: Press Release REDI Panel

Can Socially Responsible Public Procurement offer new opportunities to vulnerable communities?

April 27, 2023, 11:00 - Start of the Panel

Petrica Dulgheru - Executive Director REDI NETWORK

Welcome message and the start of the panel


Peter Pollak - Member of the European Parliament

Video message


Introducing the session. 45 minutes

Why socially responsible public procurement?

Enrica Chiozza, European Commission, DG NEAR WBIF

The Inclusive Socially Responsible pilot project and North Macedonia Waste Management infrastructure

Sunita Pitamber, Associated Director, EBRD

Challenges for North Macedonia

Katerina Kus-Ivanova, European Commission EU Delegation North Macedonia

Panel: Can Socially Responsible initiatives offer new opportunities to vulnerable communities?

Petrica Dulgheru - Moderator

Executive Director - REDI NETWORK

Mabera Kamberi

Head of Unit for Technical coordination in the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, North Macedonia

Sanja Gavranovic

Head of Unit, Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Protection, Serbia

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Marta Garcia Fidalgo - Roma Adviser, Directorate-General for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations for Western Balkans in European Commission

Conclusions of the Panel and Closure of the event