Roma Inclusion Activity
1 Participating Country:

Start: 01 Jun 2021
Finish: 30 Jun 2023
Programme: USAID

This project has been funded with support from the USAID. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the donor cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
In the project, there will be created a Community-led development Hub, where Roma community will access services such as: legal empowerment, economic empowerment, health and wellbeing social security, aiming to empower Roma to play a leadership role in the implementation of the National Strategy “One Society for All” and Roma Strategy 2014 – 2020 (or its follow-on), and in driving the next steps related to Roma rights and inclusion. The project is implemented in partnership with 4 organizations in North Macedonia.
In the hub, REDI will provide Roma communities with:
– free advice on accessing employment services and opportunities
– support for establishing businesses and accessing funding
– support for legalization of informal businesses
– supporting access to educational opportunities and requalification programs
The goal of the Roma Inclusion Activity is to reduce discrimination of Roma people and improve their inclusion in society.
Project Updates
No progress recorded. Check back soon!
Romalitico (MK)
REDI North Macedonia (MK)
Romaveritas (MK)
Romano Avazi (MK)