• office@redi-ngo.eu


REDI Business Club objectives are:

Establishing a contact point for identifying Roma entrepreneurs and support for setting up and developing their own businesses. encouraging exchange of information and opening to collaborations on business development for club members.
Offering a framework with accent on development of the entrepreneur and his/her business. Supporting the entrepreneurs to obtain contracts and/or financing & supporting Roma entrepreneurs to apply for EU funding and implement projects.
Offering technical assistance on different issues to those requesting it, by giving access to a database of certified experts on the most requested domains (i.e. accounting, marketing, legal etc.).

Support for accessing bank loans/ loans for entrepreneurs from non-financial institutions.
Developing an organizational structure able to represent Roma entrepreneurs in relation to state institutions. Interconnecting the business clubs with similar structures belonging to other nations (i.e. British, Italians etc) or tipical  domains (i.e.  commerce, furniture producers etc);
Branding as a unique representation structure for Roma entrepreneurs, lead by Roma, as well as Implementing some procedures / internal rules to ensure a high reputation to this structure.