International Roma Day – On behalf of REDI, from Petrica Dulgheru
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- / International Roma Day – On behalf of REDI, from Petrica Dulgheru
Happy International Roma Day! REDI – Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative takes the opportunity to send our warm wishes to all the Roma around the world.
We would also like to encourage and support Roma community to build a strong sense of their identity and be proud of it!
Since REDI is an organization that strongly believes in and promotes the principle of diversity, we put great efforts to empower Roma people.
Many Roma still face prejudice, discrimination, antigypsyism and socio-economic exclusion in their daily lives. In addition, the global pandemic has hit Roma communities hard. Thus, we strive to design and implement the organization’s projects and programs to promote Roma’s inclusion and economic empowerment. This leads to the availability of more job opportunities, business initiatives and investments.
Our day-to-day aim is to change the narrative: from Roma as victims, to active actors responsible and able to transform the future.
As REDI – Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative, we:
– unitedly stand against all forms of anti-Gypsyism, racism and hate speech against Roma;
– work against the oppression against the minorities of all kind;
– call the European institutions, (e.g. European Union, Council of Europe) national, regional and local authorities to develop programs that would directly enable the public and economical participation of Roma;
– call the National Governments to develop programs aiming to support Roma’s inclusion, economic empowerment and facilitating access to finance for Roma entrepreneurs, and Roma communities;
– providing Roma entrepreneurs with capacity-building activities to use digital tools for development opportunities.
– help the Roma in the recycling sector to establish green companies as support instruments for their communities.
On behalf of REDI – Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative,
Petrică Dulgheru