• office@redi-ngo.eu

Become a Young Entrepreneur!

8 Participating Countries:

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Reference: 2021-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000029035

Start: 01 Jan 2022
Finish: 31 Dec 2023

Programme: ERASMUS+
Sub-Programme: KEY ACTION 2 Strategic Partnerships

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


The GEA project consists in a Strategic Partnership of 5 partners organizations from 5 European Countries: Romania, Italy, North Macedonia, Serbia and Spain, all sharing a vision towards increasing the young Roma people entrepreunership potential within the COVID-19 pandemic. The project is a transnational one, coordinated by the Romanian partner REDI.
The project aims to seeking common and innovative solutions, best practices and the lastest technologies to increase the entrepreneurial skills of young Roma and vulnerable people in green businesses. It strives to build the capacity of young entrepreneurs to become more competitive and capable of facing economic challenges caused by the COVID-19 crisis, and apply their knowledge in developing sustainable businesses with socio-economic impact in their communities. The GEA project is also promoting green businesses with no negative impact on the local or global environment, the community or the economy.

This activity is developed as part of the Erasmus+ project ‘’Green Entrepreneurs in Action’’ 2021-1-RO01-KA220-YOU-000029035 co-financed by the European Union. For more details about the project access https://www.erasmus-gea.eu/ or  https://redi-ngo.eu/gea-green-entrepreneurs-in-action/.


Within this broad aim, the main project objectives are:
O.1: To provide youngsters from disadvantaged backgrounds with training and mentoring on green entrepreneurship and digital tools in order to support them develop, start and promote their own green companies;
O.2: To improve aspiring green entrepreneurs’ digital skills;
O.3: To provide good practice / methodology for youth educators who support the green business sector;
O.4: To raise awareness of young people across Europe on green entrepreneurship through intense dissemination activities and an online campaign.

Project Updates

Stay up to date with the project implementation by following this link: https://www.erasmus-gea.eu/


Asociatia Roma Entrepreneurship Development (RO)


European Centre of Studies and Initiatives (IT)
Magenta Consultoria (ES)
Family and Childcare Center(NMKD)
Business Development Center Kragujevac (RS)