Developing Regional Cooperation among Roma Entrepreneurs
4 Participating Countries:

Start: 01 May 2019
Finish: 31 Dec 2020
Programme: Visegrad Fund
Sub-Programme: Strategic Partnerships

This project has been funded with support from the Visegrad Fund. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the donor cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Developing Regional Roma Entrepreneurs is Cooperation among Roma Entrepreneurs a first preparatory phase focused on supporting Roma entrepreneurs in V4 countries through capacitating partner NGOs, building cadre, mapping entrepreneurs, and getting them connected.
The project was led by the Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative – REDI, an international network of Roma NGO’s focused on developing an eco-system and financial inclusion of Roma entrepreneurs in Western Balkan and Europe.
REDI implemented the project in partnership with Uccu Roma Informal Educational Foundation from Hungary, Center of Common Interest from Czechia, and Dakujem PALIKERAV from Slovakia.
The objectives of the project are to capacitate partner NGOs, building cadre, mapping entrepreneurs, and getting them connected.
Project Updates
As a result of the project, we outreached and mapped a total number of 236 Roma entrepreneurs. We have provided information support and consultancy services to 84 Roma entrepreneurs, created three national Roma Call Centers, and organized an online regional matchmaking event to create networking linkages between Roma and non-Roma entrepreneurs.
REDI North Macedonia (MK)
Uccu Roma Informal Educational Foundation (HU)
Center of Common Interest (CZ)