Empowering Roma Entrepreneurs: A Look Back at the Inspiring REDI SUMMIT
On February 28th, 2024, Skopje, North Macedonia, became a hub for innovation and inclusion as the 2024 REDI Summit kicked off. This year’s theme, “Roma Inclusivity in Green & Digital

A gathering of powers: The REDI Summit convened key figures for Roma inclusion
Petrică Dulgheru: REDI SUMMIT isn’t just about highlighting challenges, but about reframing them as opportunities for Roma entrepreneurs to thrive Zeljko Jovanovic: The Roma are becoming TOO BIG TO FAIL

REDI lansează un raport de cercetare privind nevoile comunităților rome și decalajele din instituții
Cercetarea a făcut parte din proiectul Promoting Effective Implementation of Objective 5: Increase Effective Equal Access to Quality and Sustainable Employment of the New EU Roma Strategic Framework in Romania

Atelier de Limba Romani: Promovarea Diversității Culturale și Valorificarea Culturii Rome
Tătărăștii de Jos, Județul Teleorman, 02 Octombrie 2023 Atelier de Limba Romani: Promovarea Diversității Culturale și Valorificarea Culturii Rome Comuna Tătărăștii de Jos, situată în județ Teleroman, a găzduit sâmbătă,

Local Public Policy Document / Document de politică publică locală (ENG/RO)
Local Public Policy Document – Participatory Budgeting in Vrancea County – ENGLISH Local Public Policy Document – Participatory Budgeting in Vrancea by Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative – REDI on Scribd

Rezultatele concursului „Meșteșugul, de la tradiție la bunăstare”
Asociatia Roma Entrepreneurship Development publică lista planurilor de afacere selectate pentru finanțare în cadrul concursului „Meșteșugul, de la tradiție la bunăstare” derulat în cadrul proiectului „Incluziunea socio-economică a romilor în

In just one week the #RomaWeek2023 will begin in the European Parliament. Are you ready?
For one week we cover a wide range of topics ranging from Holocaust memory and justice to youth trainings to funding opportunities. This year the Roma Week will also provide

Ziua dezrobirii romilor / Roma emancipation day in Romania
On this day, 20 February 2023, 167 years have elapsed since the eradication of the Roma slavery in Romania! A moment now known and celebrated as “Ziua dezrobirii romilor /

REDI Recycling office welcomed the President of North Macedonia, Mr Stevo Pendarovski
On February 1, 2023, the REDI office welcomed the President of North Macedonia, Mr Stevo Pendarovski, as he met with the REDI team to discuss the company’s innovative approach to

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Central and Eastern Europe: today and tomorrow
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Central and Eastern Europe: today and tomorrow 29 Jun 2022 Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest, Romania 09:00 – 16:30 The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), together